Best Practices to integrate the Equity lens in a project cycle. This section will prepare and guide you to respond to the Equity lens tool questions.

Planning Phase

Identify target population/communities that would be potentially affected by the initiative.

Identify the equity deserving groups, rights holders or communities that are impacted or would be impacted by your initiatives. Integrate an intersectional lens to understand the dimensions of diversity of groups and communities.

Identify needs, barriers, inequities and potential impact.

To integrate an equity lens into environmental scans, needs assessments or data collection, consider the following questions.

  • What current statistics or demographic data would help us understand the groups of people who face inequities or systemic barriers in relation to the issue in question?
  • Is the data available sufficient to help us identify the barriers for all Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups?
  • Is the data available sufficient to help us identify the potential impact of the initiative for Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups.
  •  Do we need further public engagement with equity deserving groups to provide more insight to the potential impact of the project?
  • How do we ensure adequate representation of Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups during this public engagement (what types of accommodation are needed to ensure participation of equity deserving groups)?
  • Does the data collection tool include socio-demographic questions?
  • What do we want to accomplish by reviewing and analyzing this data? How will the metrics we analyze accomplish this for Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups?
  • Does the data analysis show barriers, needs and inequities for Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups?
  • Does the final report include findings on the needs, barriers and inequities identified for Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups?

Conduct inclusive and meaningful engagement with community.

Integrating equity lens into engagement ensures that everyone particularly equity deserving groups can participate meaningfully throughout the engagement process. Consider the following questions.

  • What engagement approach will help to ensure that Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups are able to fully participate (Example, use mixed approaches: surveys, focus group, anonymous feedback, collaboration with organizations that serve specific equity deserving groups)
  • What accommodations are required to ensure Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups can fully participate (consider multiple language options, sign language, childcare options, multiple time slots)
  • How might you consult with the people most affected by this issue to ensure the reliability of your data, approach and findings? (Example ask community leaders about the cultural appropriateness of the data or approach)
  •  What channels of promotion can we use to ensure that information can reach Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups (Consider online and offline options: website, social media, community organizations, community gatherings)
  • Have we provided enough information for Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups to understand the objectives of the engagement and to decide whether to participate.
  • Are the language and the images on our promotion materials inclusive and reflective of the population we are engaging?
  • Does our team represent the diversity of the population we are engaging?
  • Does the data collection tool include socio-demographic questions?

*** Considering these questions would guide you in responding to the question 1 of the Equity lens tool

Identify and assess potential impact.

Analyze the data/ engagement findings to identify, assess and describe the direct and indirect impact of the initiative to equity deserving groups: positive and negative impacts, intended and unintended impacts. Consider these questions.

  • How would the initiative impact women, Black, racialized, Indigenous, 2SLGBTQQIA, older adults and youth groups in all their diversities.
  • How would the initiative impact Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups with intersectional identities (For example black women who is an immigrant with disabilities)?
  • Will the impact of the initiative affect Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups in different ways?
  • Will the initiative affect Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups negatively? How?
  • Will the initiative impact or influence or be impacted by any internal or external environmental factors (Examples, political, socio-economic, socio-cultural, technological)
  • Are the insights from groups who face systemic barriers and inequities reflected in the report and the final product?
  • How will we report back the findings to the full diversity of people who were involved in the engagement activity?

*** Considering these questions would guide you in responding to the questions 2 and 3 of the Equity lens tool 

Address identified needs, barriers and potential unintended negative outcomes.

Develop a plan/framework to address identified needs, barriers and potential negative outcomes. Consider the following.

  • Identify and describe the actions need to be taken to meet the needs that have been identified in an equitable way.
  • Identify and describe the actions need to be taken to improve the access of Black, racialized, Indigenous and other equity deserving groups to the initiative.
  • Identify and describe the actions need to be taken to mitigate/reduce risks of the potential negative outcomes identified.
  • Identify and describe the actions needs to be taken to produce measurable social, economic and other benefits for equity deserving groups.
  • Identify and describe what success would look like for the initiative (outcomes)

***Considering these statements would guide you in responding to the questions 4, 5 and 6 of the Equity lens tool.


Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Develop outcome key performance indicators to measure and evaluate the outcomes and actions that need to be taken. See examples of KPIs

  • Are the KPIs sufficient to measure the desired outcomes?
  • Are the KPIs SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound)?
  • What are the means of verification of the KPIs?
  • How will data be collected? (Do we need to set up a data collection system?)

*** Considering these questions would guide you in responding to the question 7 of the Equity lens tool

Communicate effectively and inclusively.

  • Have we established communication channels to share information with stakeholders?
  • Have we established feedback mechanisms for project stakeholders?
  • Is there any equity deserving group that might be excluded by the chosen communication channels and feedback mechanism?


Provide regular project updates.

  • Are project updates shared with equity deserving groups?
  • Are project updates shared via multiple channels that are accessible to equity deserving groups?
  • Are the languages used plain, inclusive and do not reinforce stereotypes?
  • Do images represent the full diversity of the community?


Build capacity of Staff on Antiracism, Equity, Inclusion and Reconciliation. 

  • Are staff able to incorporate the principle of Antiracism, Equity, Inclusion and Reconciliation into their work?
  • Are staff able to acknowledge and identify their own biases and how it might impact their work?

It is important to ensure that equity deserving groups are involved meaningfully during the monitoring and evaluation process of your initiate. To ensure that, consider the following questions.

  •  Have we considered what equity deserving groups will be missed by only using certain methods? What other approaches might we use?
  • How can we ensure that the perspectives of equity deserving groups are included?
  • Do the evaluation questions allow for consideration of the experiences of equity deserving groups?
  • When analyzing our data, did we maintain a diversity of perspectives in the findings?
  • Have we validated the findings with the community to minimize any biases?
  •  How can we report back to the people who participated in the evaluation process?
  • How can we incorporate the feedback to improve the quality of the current or future projects?

*** Considering these questions would guide you in responding to the question 7 of the Equity lens tool


Snapshot on Equity Deserving Groups