What is the Equity lens tool?

What is the Equity lens tool?

The equity lens tool consists of set of questions developed to ensure that the design and implementation of polices, programs and other initiatives respond adequately to the needs of Black, racialized, and Indigenous communities and other equity deserving groups. These questions help us to diagnose barriers and identify, measure, and evaluate best practices regarding access, equity and inclusion.

Why is the Equity lens tool important?

  • It helps to develop a wider view of how the limits of our individual lens/bias impact the way we frame issues, what we prioritize, what approach we employ, who we engage, and how.
  • It allows us to check our assumptions, biases and stereotypes and be aware of our own advantages and disadvantages in order to make more equitable and inclusive decisions.  
  • It helps to creates a practice and habit around making decisions and prioritizing. 
  • It serves as a tool for speaking truth to power and invite courageous conversations from anyone at any level of the organization – hold organization accountable. 


Who is the Equity lens tool for?

The Equity lens tool is designed to be a practical tool to support FCM’s efforts in putting in practice our commitment to Antiracism Equity and Inclusion (AREI) and Reconciliation consistently to the benefit of our workplace, members, and communities across the country. 

The Equity lens tool is for all staff, board members, and volunteers (municipal staff and elected officials) and eventually will be for consultants and contractors providing services to FCM.

When to use the Equity lens tool

The earlier you use the equity lens tool the better. When AREI and Reconciliation are not addressed until the last minute, the use of the tool is less likely to be beneficial. Using an equity lens tool early means that individual decisions can be aligned with organizational AREI and Reconciliation goals and desired outcomes. Using the tool more than once means that equity is incorporated throughout all phases, from development to implementation and evaluation.  


  • The equity lens tool can be used at any phase in the project cycle.
  • Use the Equity lens tool when developing new initiatives to avoid excluding certain groups. During planning for a new project, program or policy, the Lens will help you become aware of potential impacts of exclusion to certain groups and help remedy unintentional barriers.
  • Use the tool to review and improve existing programs, and services. Using it can help identify potential areas of exclusion in various programs, services, initiatives and policies and help identify ways to reduce and eliminate these barriers to inclusion. With this knowledge, the needs of equity deserving groups are incorporated into new or existing projects and programs.

What does an equitable process look like at FCM?

An equitable process and culture at FCM means to: 


  • Acknowledge the scope, constraints, and capacity of FCM, our programs, communities, and municipalities. 
  • Proactively consider, plan and act to address gaps, manage tensions, cultivate relationships, foster dialogue, develop partnerships, and leverage opportunities; and 
  • Build and ensure the systems embed, and promote anti-racism, equity, inclusion, reconciliation, and accountability among FCM leadership, management, staff, and members.